Top 10 similar words or synonyms for perleberg

malchin    0.888325

kronach    0.884410

grimma    0.879708

gersdorf    0.876345

schwaan    0.875499

altenstadt    0.875160

pritzwalk    0.872065

kamenz    0.871267

stollberg    0.871075

beerfelden    0.867462

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for perleberg

Article Example
Perleberg Perleberg is located in the heart of the district of Prignitz, about halfway between the two largest German cities Berlin and Hamburg. It is surrounded by the municipalities Karstädt in the north-west, Groß Pankow (Prignitz) in the north-east, Plattenburg in the south-east; the "Ämter" Bad Wilsnack/Weisen in the south, Lenzen-Elbtalaue in the west; the town Wittenberge in the south-west.
Perleberg One of the city's oldest buildings is St James's church. First mentioned in 1294, it was frequently altered and extensively remodelled in the 1850s. In German, it is called the "Jakobikirche", and therefore sometimes mistakenly called "St Jacob's" in English.
Perleberg The Stepenitz flows from northeast to southwest through Perleberg. The town's historic center is build on an island between two arms of the river.
Perleberg On November 25, 1809, Lord Benjamin Bathurst disappeared in Perleberg. Later accounts of the incident exaggerated the circumstances to such an extent that the disappearance is sometimes claimed to have been caused by paranormal phenomena.
Perleberg In the 14th century the town was on its height as part of the Hanseatic League. In 1523 it was the muster-point for an army assembled by Elector Joachim I in support of his brother-in-law Christian II of Denmark's attempt to recover his throne. The Thirty Years' War caused serious damage to the town: of 3,500 inhabitants, only 300 survived. The mayor responsible for rebuilding the city after this period was Georg Krusemarck.