Top 10 similar words or synonyms for brebes

blora    0.922242

grobogan    0.917510

wonosobo    0.913281

cianjur    0.907523

purbalingga    0.904908

majalengka    0.904254

tasikmalaya    0.903241

banjarnegara    0.900659

trenggalek    0.899421

indramayu    0.899264

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for brebes

Article Example
Brebes, Brebes, Brebes Kelurahan Brebes is an administrative village and the capital of Kecamatan Brebes, it is bordered by Pasarbatang to the north, Gandasuli and Limbangan Kulon to the east, Pulosari and Padasugih to the south, and Pebatan and Pesantunan to the west.
Brebes, Brebes Brebes is a district (Indonesian: Kecamatan) and the capital of Brebes Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. It is bordered by Java Sea to the north, West Tegal District, Margadana District and Dukuhturi District to the east, Jatibarang District to the south and Wanasari District to the west.
Brebes, Brebes Brebes District divided into 23 administrative village (5 "kelurahan" and 18 "desa")
Brebes Regency "For the capital of this regency see Brebes, Brebes"
Brebes Regency Brebes is known for its shalot ("bawang merah") and Salted duck egg ("telur asin" in Indonesia). Other popular dishes include Sate Blengong and Peuyeum Ketan from Salem, one of 17 Districts in Brebes.