Top 10 similar words or synonyms for aldrin

armstrong    0.992465

tasks    0.992375

mooncakes    0.989879

fired    0.989530

masculine    0.989498

changes    0.989363

plural    0.989291

therefore    0.988703

linking    0.988571

additional    0.988409

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for aldrin

Article Example
အပိုလို ၁၁ Two and a half hours after landing, before preparations began for the EVA, Aldrin broadcast that:
အပိုလို ၁၁ Aldrin poses on the Moon, allowing Armstrong to photograph both of them using the visor's reflection.
အပိုလို ၁၁ Aldrin next to the Passive Seismic Experiment Package with Eagle in the background.
အပိုလို ၁၁ Throughout the descent Aldrin had called out navigation data to Armstrong, who was busy piloting the LM. A few moments before the landing, a light informed Aldrin that at least one of the 67-inch (170 cm) probes hanging from Eagle's footpads had touched the surface, and he said "Contact light!". Three seconds later, Eagle landed and Armstrong said "Shutdown". Aldrin immediately said "Okay, engine stop. ACA - out of detent." Armstrong acknowledged "Out of detent. Auto" and Aldrin continued "Mode control - both auto. Descent engine command override off. Engine arm - off. 413 is in."
အပိုလို ၁၁ Aldrin bootprint; part of an experiment to test the properties of the lunar regolith