Top 10 similar words or synonyms for opinions

rainforest    0.888053

fibrosis    0.885683

cystic    0.880247

saharan    0.871355

proc    0.856987

nilo    0.853595

tutorial    0.840909

void    0.839383

improved    0.839312

fairs    0.837140

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for opinions

Article Example
Blue1 Blue1 Passenger Opinions
Sharon Pollock Throughout Pollock’s playwright career, her strong opinions about Canadian theatre motivated her to create a theatre of her own. Her hopes were that she could create a place for artistic talent to flourish and provide diversity She wanted the Garry Theatre to be ‘created by artists for artists.’
James Joyce Somme akademikarar, som Vladimir Nabokov har hatt blanda oppfatningar av verka hans, og har kytt av somt og kritisert anna. Nabokov meinte at "Ulysses" var eit stort verk, medan "Finnegans Wake" var forferdeleg (sjå "Strong Opinions, The Annotated Lolita or Pale Fire" for meir). Jorge Luis Borges delte same synet. I seinare tid har Joyces nytenking og ambisjon vorte mykje rost, mellom anna av Jacques Derrida.