Top 10 similar words or synonyms for treizeci

anii    0.801705

istoriei    0.706555

politice    0.700916

studii    0.698825

culturale    0.689873

academiei    0.678241

populare    0.677847

editura    0.676732

politici    0.665599

istoria    0.664500

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for treizeci

Article Example
Romanian numbers In some situations it is customary to say "cu" "with" instead of "virgulă". For example, medical staff might be heard stating the body temperature in words like "treizeci și șapte cu cinci", meaning 37.5 °C.
Dimitrie Marinescu 34888. ~ Treizeci zile la Văcăreşti. Fapte şi impressii (Epilogul înscenărei poliţieneşti de la 9 Ocotombrie 1909), [de] D. Marinescu. Bucureşti, Cercul de Editură Socialistă (Tipografia Cooperativă Poporul), 1910. (16,5 x 12,5). 54 p. 15 bani. (Biblioteca România Muncitoare, nr. 25) (I 21632)
Gheorghe Șincai In 1811 Șincai published a work of history, written in the form of annals and amply titled: "Hronica românilor și a mai multor neamuri în cât au fost ele amestecate cu românii, cât lucrurile, întâmplările și faptele unora față de ale altora nu se pot scrie pre înțeles, din mai multe mii de autori, în cursul a treizeci și patru de ani culese" ("The chronicle of the Romanians and of other peoples insofar as they were mixed with the Romanians, as the things, events and facts of the one regarding the other cannot be written as if everyone understands them, from several thousand authors, gathered over the course of thirty-four years").
Zigu Ornea Having published a 1994 collection of essays with Minerva ("Înțelesuri", "Meanings"), Ornea centered his research on the interwar far right, fascist or Nazi-inspired political movements, publishing with Editura Fundației Culturale Române his "Anii treizeci. Extrema dreaptă românească" (title translated as "The Thirties: The Far Right in Romania"). His other anthumous works include a 1995 revised edition of "Junimea și junimismul" and a series of new volumes of essays: "Fizionomii" ("Physiognomies", Editura Nemira, 1997), "Medalioane" ("Medallions", Institutul European, 1998), "Portrete" ("Portraits", Minerva, 1999) and "Polifonii" ("Poliphonies", Polirom, 2001).
Romanian numbers The preposition "de" is also used within the syntax of the number itself, for stating the number of thousands, millions, billions, etc.: "douăzeci de mii" "twenty thousand" (also note the plural "mii", unlike the singular "thousand" in English). The rules for this "de" are the same as those described above: it is used when the last two digits of the number of thousands, millions, etc. are 00 or 20–99. Again, in technical contexts, this "de" may be dropped: "treizeci milioane euro" "thirty million euros".