Top 10 similar words or synonyms for anii

istoriei    0.851585

politice    0.806492

sovietice    0.803109

treizeci    0.801705

unei    0.799086

despre    0.797489

moldovei    0.797318

studiu    0.793242

nostru    0.792427

academiei    0.790655

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for anii

Article Example
Anii language Although there are relatively few Anii speakers, the language has a comparatively strong presence among its speakers while the lingua franca, French is not as prevalent. Anii is the main language used in public and private domains, as most of its speakers, especially the elders, are not bilingual. A majority of the younger population still use Anii as their everyday language, and children are learning it as a first language.
Anii language Although there are relatively few speakers and within the speaker population there are many dialects, the language is becoming more popular among the population. This is due in part to government backed literacy courses. According to Ehnologue the language is classified as a 5 (developing).
Anii language The Anii people ascribe to the Muslim faith. The only churches in the area are in communities without Anii people.
Anii language Anii has 14 noun classes, 23 consonant phonemes, and 11 vowel phonemes It is tonal with both a high and low tone, and uses a modification of the Latin script that includes symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Anii language See Deborah Morton's dissertation "The temporal and Aspectual Semantics and Verbal Tonology of Gisida Anii".