Top 10 similar words or synonyms for gentilic

hispanized    0.684197

demonym    0.662641

latinization    0.659093

albanus    0.625466

sepharad    0.622238

latinisation    0.622119

taxara    0.620767

hadrianopolis    0.618919

gallaeci    0.615916

latinized    0.613849

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for gentilic

Article Example
Yonkers, New York The gentilic for residents is alternately Yonkersonian or Yonkersite.
Patrial name 1. definite article and noun - using a demonym (also called gentile name or gentilic, from Latin "nomen gentile" or "gentilicium")
Demonym The word "gentilic" comes from the Latin "gentilis" ("of a clan, or gens") and the English suffix "-ic". The word "demonym" was derived from the Greek word meaning "populace" ( "demos") with the suffix for "name" (-onym).
Ulloa The word Ulloa in the world mostly comes as a gentilic from A Ulloa (and itself from the Ulla River) in Galicia, Spain, later expanded all over the world by emigration and American conquest, and may refer to:
Iran The term "Iran" derives directly from Middle Persian "Ērān", first attested in a 3rd-century inscription at Rustam Relief, with the accompanying Parthian inscription using the term "Aryān", in reference to Iranians. The Middle Iranian "ērān" and "aryān" are oblique plural forms of gentilic "ēr-" (Middle Persian) and "ary-" (Parthian), both deriving from Proto-Iranian "*arya-" (meaning "Aryan", i.e. "of the Iranians"), argued to descend from Proto-Indo-European ', meaning "skillful assembler". In the Iranian languages, the gentilic is attested as a self-identifier included in ancient inscriptions and the literature of Avesta, and remains also in other Iranian ethnic names such as "Alans" (Ossetic: Ир – "Ir") and "Iron" (Ossetic: Ирон – "Iron").