Top 10 similar words or synonyms for eschewing

eschewed    0.732098

eschews    0.727874

eschew    0.679002

moralizing    0.593732

purist    0.591269

satirizing    0.576603

deriding    0.575159

ridiculing    0.568078

satirising    0.564334

unorthodox    0.561119

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for eschewing

Article Example
Pylons project Pylons is well known for having a near-complete stack of third-party tools, eschewing the "not–invented–here" phenomenon.
Zenobia (film) Oliver Hardy enacted his role in straight comedic leading man fashion, eschewing most of his trademark "Ollie" mannerisms.
Park Yeonghan Park is known for his 'honest' writing style, eschewing experimentation, and less interested in plot than experience.
Meatspace Chat Meatspace differentiates itself from other chat systems by eschewing usernames, user registration and chat channels, and instead embracing ephemerality
Thursday Quakers traditionally referred to Thursday as "Fifth Day" eschewing the pagan origin of the English name "Thursday".