Top 10 similar words or synonyms for deriding

ridiculing    0.786288

lambasting    0.768452

satirizing    0.740471

decrying    0.737324

derided    0.722754

disparaged    0.713095

decried    0.705315

belittling    0.703301

decry    0.697797

denigrating    0.694273

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for deriding

Article Example
Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus is an 1829 oil painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner. It depicts a scene from Homer's Odyssey, showing Odysseus (Ulysses) standing on his ship deriding Polyphemus, one of the cyclopes he encounters and has recently blinded, who is disguised behind one of the mountains on the left side. Additional details include the Trojan Horse, a scene from Virgil's Aeneid, on one of the flags and the horses of Apollo rising above the horizon. The painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts in 1829. Acquired by the National Gallery in 1856, the painting is currently on display in room 34.
Arcadius Avellanus Avellanus advocated Latin as an international auxiliary language, deriding Esperanto as "Desperanto".
Godzilla vs. Hedorah Critical reaction to the film has been mixed, with some embracing its eccentricity and others deriding it.
Social Security debate in the United States In 2004 Nobel Laureate economist Paul Krugman, deriding what he called "the hype about a Social Security crisis", wrote:
Battle in Heaven Jonathan Romney says that "To a degree, Battle in Heaven might seem like another warmed-over example of a familiar movie myth: a fairly repellent no-hoper redeemed by hot sex with a quasi-virginal prostitute," but that "it's finally hard to know whether Reygadas takes his transcendental, religious theme seriously, or is deriding it outright - or even deriding us for taking it seriously."