Top 10 similar words or synonyms for эу

лъэгъу    0.893796

къы    0.886860

гъэ    0.883677

къэ    0.883613

мэ    0.881949

рэ    0.879262

щт    0.874213

сэ    0.872453

хэ    0.858938

кӏо    0.858159

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for эу

Article Example
Adyghe morphology Adverbial participles are formed from verbs with the suffixes -зэ (-za), -эу (aw): еджэ-зэ́ "reading",
Adyghe grammar The Adverbs can be formed from different speech elements by gaining suffix ~эу (-aw) or ~у (-u):
Adyghe morphology The verb with the suffix ~эу is usually followed by another verb that has a tense suffix indicating the time the sentence occurred. For example :
Adyghe nouns Has the suffix -эу (e.g. кӏалэу 'boy'), шэу 'horse'). In the Kfar Kama dialect it has the suffix -ыу . This case has a number of functions:
Adyghe morphology To indicate an event that is happening after the absolute accomplishment/realization of an action, the suffixes ~гъах (~ʁaːx) and ~эу (~aw) are added. For example: