Top 10 similar words or synonyms for къы

щт    0.946034

къэ    0.935217

сы    0.934131

сэ    0.927247

лъэгъу    0.926158

гъэ    0.920259

хэ    0.916770

мэ    0.914957

кӏо    0.913108

рэ    0.908370

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for къы

Article Example
Adyghe morphology In Adyghe, like all Northwest Caucasian languages, morphology is the most important part of the grammar. An Adyghe word, besides that it has its own lexical meaning, sometimes, by the set of morphemes it is build of and by their aggregate grammatical meanings, can reproduce a sentence. For example, a verb by its set of morphemes can express subject's and object's person, place, time, manner of action, negative, and other types of grammatical categories. For example: къыпфэсхьыщтэп "I will not bring it for you" consists of these morphemes: къы-п-фэ-с-хьы-щт-эп – which have these literal meanings "from there (къы) you (п) for you (фэ) I (с) bring (хьы) will (attribute of the future tense - щт) not (эп)".