Top 10 similar words or synonyms for asr

nlu    0.680762

tts    0.642889

utterance    0.630140

nlp    0.624921

speech    0.594449

recognizer    0.592060

ivr    0.562391

ashr    0.554686

utterances    0.540434

ime    0.526075

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for asr

Article Example
Al-Asr The text of the Sura can be translated as the following:
ASR Nederland ASR Nederland is a major Dutch insurance group based in Utrecht. The company was created in its current form in 2008 when the insurance business was split out of Fortis, after it was acquired by the Dutch government during the Financial crisis of 2007-2010. The Dutch government revived the old name that had been used prior to the acquisition by Fortis in 2000 for the newly structured company.
RWTH ASR unsupervised training, discriminative training, and word lattice processing. The software runs on Linux and Mac OS X. The project homepage offers ready-to-use models for research purposes, tutorials, and comprehensive documentation.
Asr (radar) The indigenous ASR naval radar uses a passive electronically scanned array, that can be deployed on coastlines or afloat, making it less vulnerable to anti-radar missiles that use radar signals to home in on their target.
ASR-complete ASR-complete is, by analogy to "NP-completeness" in complexity theory, a term to indicate that the difficulty of a computational problem is equivalent to solving the central Automatic Speech Recognition problem, i.e. recognize and understanding spoken language. Unlike "NP-completeness", this term is typically used informally.