Top 10 similar words or synonyms for nlp

nlu    0.783860

linguistic    0.637824

asr    0.624921

lexical    0.619362

syntactic    0.616846

psycholinguistic    0.608312

annotator    0.606298

semantic    0.605179

preprocessor    0.604039

summarization    0.603116

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for nlp

Article Example
Representational systems (NLP) For many practical purposes, according to NLP, mental processing of events and memories can be treated as if performed by the five senses. For example, Einstein credited his discovery of special relativity to a mental visualization strategy of "sitting on the end of a ray of light", and many people as part of decision-making "talk to themselves" in their heads.
Representational systems (NLP) Logically, these or similar steps "must" take place somewhere in consciousness in order to cognitively make sense of the question and answer it. A sequence of this kind is known in NLP as a "strategy" - in this case, a functional outline of the strategy used by the mind in answering that question. In a similar way, the process leading to a panic attack of the form "I see the clock, ask myself where the kids are, imagine everything that could be happening and feel scared" might be notated as having a subjective structure: V → A → V → K, signifying that an external sight leads to internal dialog (a question), followed by internal and constructed images, leading to a feeling.
Representational systems (NLP) It's worth noting that usually, some of these steps (often the most important ones) occur extremely fast, and out of conscious awareness. For example, few people would ordinarily be aware that between question and even considering an answer, there must be steps in which the mind interprets and contextualizes the question itself, and steps which explore various possible strategies to be used to obtain an answer and select one to be followed. The mental occurrence of these steps is often identified by deduction following skilled observation, or by careful inquiry, although their presence is usually self-apparent to the person concerned once noticed.
Representational systems (NLP) Grinder and Bandler believed they identified pattern of relationship between the sensory-based language people use in general conversation, and for example, their eye movement (known as "eye accessing cues").
Representational systems (NLP) Common (but not universal) Western layout of eye accessing cues: