Top 10 similar words or synonyms for cast

амар    0.990056

третий    0.989889

случай    0.989829

васлуй    0.989080

огромный    0.988974

dick    0.988524

اسب    0.988362

судов    0.988336

sm    0.987861

народаў    0.987730

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for cast

Article Example
Робинзон Крузо «Робинзон Крузо» (англ. "Robinson Crusoe") — романи Даниэл Дефо буда, бори аввал апрели соли 1719 чоп шудааст. Номи кутоҳаш қаҳрамони аслӣ. Номи пурраи ин асар «"Ҳаёти ғайриоддӣ ва ҳайратангези саргузашти Робинзон Крузо, маллоҳ аз Йорк, ки тайи 28 сол дар ҷазираи беодам, назди соҳили резишгоҳи дарёи Ориноко-и Амрико, ҷойе ки ҳалокати киштӣ гузаронда буд, ҳангоме ки тамоми ҳайати кормандони киштӣ ғайри ӯ ба ҳалокат расиданд, тибқи нақл тасодуфан уро озод намудани пиратҳо; навиштаҷотро худ навиштааст"» (англ. "The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates").
Вашингтон While the Democratic Party has long dominated Washington, the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election was among the closest races in United States election history. The initial count as well as the first recount, conducted by machine, both showed Dino Rossi, the Republican candidate, winning the election. A second recount was done by hand, overturning the initial results when it resulted in a lead for Christine Gregoire, the Democratic candidate, of 129 votes, or 0.0045% of those cast. As this second recount was the last allowed for by Washington election law, Gregoire was inaugurated on 12 January 2005. The subsequent court battles raged for months after the election, but ultimately ended with Gregoire retaining her office. The final official count left Gregoire ahead by 133 votes.