Top 10 similar words or synonyms for subjects

entitled    0.959701

claims    0.958410

comparing    0.958408

terrorist    0.953082

obligatory    0.951124

beliefs    0.950549

historians    0.950394

allegedly    0.950013

largely    0.948024

secular    0.946578

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for subjects

Article Example
మహారాజా కళాశాల, విజయనగరం There are about 117 Scholarships, Prizes and Medals given annually to meritorious students in different subjects.
మొహమ్మద్ షా During his reign Muhammad Shah had numerous subjects throughout the empire.
విట్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయం The university is among the first in India to implement the Fully Flexible Credit System (FFCS) which gives the students flexibility to make their own time tables by choosing the subjects and the faculties under whose guidance they want to study.
సురవరం సుధాకర్ రెడ్డి Chairman, Editorial Board, Visalandhra Vignana Samithi, which published, (i) more than 100 books a yea in Telugu on various subjects, including poetry, literary criticism, fiction and drama; and (ii) Visalandhra, a daily newspaper; Editor, (i) Yuvajana (Telugu monthly); (ii) Youth life; and (iii) New Generation (English weekly); Member, Editorial Board, Andhra Pradesh Darshini; contributed articles on contemporary problems to various magazines/newspapers
ఆంగ్ల వికీపీడియా As the largest Wikipedia edition, and because English is such a widely used language, the English Wikipedia draws many users and editors whose native language is not English. Such users may seek information from the English Wikipedia rather than the Wikipedia of their native language because the English Wikipedia tends to contain more information about general subjects. Successful collaborations have developed between non-native English speakers who add content to the English Wikipedia and native English speakers who act as copyeditors for them.