Top 10 similar words or synonyms for replacement

useful    0.959167

determinants    0.950621

replication    0.947015

successful    0.944503

oracle    0.944054

optional    0.943882

mariadb    0.943073

triggers    0.942501

added    0.942389

catalog    0.941878

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for replacement

Article Example
ASCII ASCII was first published as a standard in 1963 by the American Standards Association (ASA), which later became ANSI. ASCII-1963 lacked the lowercase letters, and had an up-arrow (↑) instead of the caret (^) and a left-arrow (←) instead of the underscore (_). The 1967 version added the lowercase letters, changed the names of a few control characters and moved the two controls ACK and ESC from the lowercase letters area into the control codes area where they belonged. There are many variations of ASCII, but its present, most widely-used form is ANSI X3.4-1986, also standardized as ECMA-6, ISO/IEC 646:1991 International Reference Version, ITU-T Recommendation T.50 (09/92), and RFC 20. It is embedded in its probable replacement, Unicode, as the 'lowest' 128 characters. ASCII is considered by some the most successful software standard ever promulgated.