Top 10 similar words or synonyms for repeated

lowering    0.981147

guideline    0.979616

technique    0.977747

germ    0.977629

whilst    0.976140

uniquely    0.975567

referee    0.974544

lastly    0.974478

replacing    0.974176

peaking    0.974167

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for repeated

Article Example
වාදී ස්වරය It is usually the swara which is repeated the greatest number of times, and often it is the swara on which the singer can pause for a significant time.
සූදකු Killer Sudoku combines elements of Sudoku with Kakuro - usually no initial numbers are given, but the 9*9 grid is divided into regions, each with a number that the sum of all numbers in the region must add up to, with no repeated numerals. These must be filled in while obeying the standard rules of Sudoku.
හැපි බර්ත්ඩේ ටු යූ In Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Ireland, immediately after "Happy Birthday" has been sung, it is traditional for one of the guests to enthusiastically lead with "Hip hip..." and then for all of the other guests to join in and say "...hooray!" This is normally repeated three times.
කේජු In 1546, John Heywood wrote in "Proverbes" that "the moon is made of a greene cheese." ("Greene" may refer here not to the color, as many now think, but to being new or unaged.) Variations on this sentiment were long repeated. Although some people assumed that this was a serious belief in the era before space exploration, it is more likely that Heywood was indulging in nonsense.
ද ප්‍රින්සස් ඩයරීස් Also in book eight, Lilly is dumped by her boyfriend J.P., who quickly makes a play for Mia. Mia accidentally kisses J.P., which was witnessed by Lilly and Michael, which left him even more heart broken. As a result, Lilly refused to speak Mia and they stopped being friends despite Mia's repeated attempts to get back in Lilly's good graces. The two finally make up in "Forever Princess".