Top 10 similar words or synonyms for split

trace    0.984250

converts    0.983639

traders    0.979404

logarithmic    0.979200

suite    0.979016

everett    0.978470

behaviour    0.977327

bernard    0.977237

customer    0.976606

lie    0.976570

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for split

Article Example
ਆਸਟਰੀਆ The political system of the Second Republic is based on the constitution of 1920 and 1929, which was reintroduced in 1945. The system came to be characterized by "Proporz", meaning that most posts of political importance were split evenly between members of the Social Democrats and the People's Party. Interest group "chambers" with mandatory membership (e.g. for workers, business people, farmers) grew to considerable importance and were usually consulted in the legislative process, so that hardly any legislation was passed that did not reflect widespread consensus. Since 1945, a single-party government took place only 1966−1970 (conservatives) and 1970−1983 (social democrats). During all other legislative periods, either a "Grand Coalition" (conservatives and social democrats) or a "Small Coalition" (one of these two and a smaller party) ruled the country.