Top 10 similar words or synonyms for greatest

atmosphere    0.989476

subject    0.987620

verse    0.987308

meters    0.986333

therefore    0.986313

aspects    0.986288

herself    0.985955

compassion    0.985939

provided    0.985452

characters    0.984598

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for greatest

Article Example
ଉତ୍ତର ଆମେରିକୀୟ ଡାଇନୋସର ଗୁଡ଼ିକର ତାଲିକା Finally, the Late Cretaceous Period, the greatest abundance and diversity of dinosaurs of all time lived in North America. During the early part of the Late Cretaceous, the therizinosaur "Nothronychus" and the ceratopsian "Zuniceratops" lived. During the Campanian stage of the Late Cretaceous, an enormous diversity of dinosaurs is known. Theropods included the tyrannosaurs "Albertosaurus", "Gorgosaurus", "Daspletosaurus", "Teratophoneus", "Bistahieversor",and "Appalachiosaurus", and the dromaeosaurids "Dromaeosaurus", "Saurornitholestes", "Atrociraptor", and "Bambiraptor". Ceratopsians, such as "Pachyrhinosaurus", "Styracosaurus", "Centrosaurus" "Monoclonius", "Brachyceratops", "Pentaceratops", and "Leptoceratops" also existed. Among hadrosaurs," Hypacrosaurus, Gryposaurus, Kritosaurus, Parasaurolophus", "Corythosaurus", "Lambeosaurus", "Saurolophus", and "Prosaurolophus" existed. During the latest Cretaceous, the Maastrichtian age, the diversity of dinosaurs wasn't as great as the preceding Campanian stage. North American herbivorous dinosaurs from this time period include the titanosaur sauropod "Alamosaurus", the ceratopsians "Triceratops" and "Torosaurus", the pachycephalosaurs "Pachycephalosaurus", "Stygimoloch", "Dracorex", and "Stegoceras", and the hadrosaur "Edmontosaurus". Predatory dinosaurs from this time period included the tyrannosaurids "Tyrannosaurus," Dryptosaurus', and "Nanotyrannus" (which may just be a juvenile of the former), and the troodontid "Troodon".