Top 10 similar words or synonyms for deinonychus

dilophosaurus    0.995905

handling    0.994944

brachiosaurus    0.994808

huayangosaurus    0.993789

releases    0.993069

added    0.992755

musical    0.992486

dy    0.992291

radii    0.992218

let    0.992100

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for deinonychus

Article Example
Deinonychus Deinonychus ଏକ ମାଂସାଶୀ ଜୀବ ଅଟେ ।
Deinonychus ଏହି ଡାଇନୋସରଟି କ୍ରେଟାସିଅସ ଯୁଗରେ ବାସ କରୁଥିଲା ।
Deinonychus Deinonychus () ଡାଇନୋସର ବଂଶର ଜୀବ ଅଟେ । ଏହି ଜୀବଟି ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ବିଲୁପ୍ତ । ଏହାର ଜୀବାଶ୍ମ ଓ ଅବଶେଷ ଉତ୍ତର ଆମେରିକାରୁ ମିଳିଥିଲା ।
ଉତ୍ତର ଆମେରିକୀୟ ଡାଇନୋସର ଗୁଡ଼ିକର ତାଲିକା During the Early Cretaceous, new dinosaurs evolved to replace the old ones. Sauropods were still present, but they were not as diverse as they were in the Jurassic Period. Theropods from the Early Cretaceous of North America include dromaeosaurids such as "Deinonychus" and "Utahraptor", "Acrocanthosaurus", and "Microvenator". Sauropods included "Astrodon", "Brontomerus", and "Sauroposeidon". Ornithischians were more diverse than they were in the Jurassic Period. "Tenontosaurus", "Hypsilophodon", "Iguanodon", "Protohadros", and "Eolambia" are some of the ornithopods that lived during this time period. Ankylosaurs replaced their stegosaur cousins in the Cretaceous. Ankylosaurs from the Early Cretaceous of North America include "Sauropelta" and "Gastonia". Therizinosaurs such as "Falcarius" are also known from the Early Cretaceous of North America.