Top 10 similar words or synonyms for using

including    0.993783

having    0.993101

four    0.992741

production    0.992052

plants    0.991782

europe    0.991747

related    0.991620

against    0.991554

include    0.991383

less    0.991361

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for using

Article Example
खाद्य जनित रोग In the United States, using FoodNet data from १९९६–१९९८, the CDCP estimated there were ७६ million foodborne illnesses (२६,००० cases for १००,००० inhabitants):
डर्‍म्याटोलोजी If the diagnosis is uncertain or a cutaneous malignancy is suspected, the dermatologic surgeon may perform a small punch biopsy (using a local anesthetic) for examination under the microscope by the dermatologist who is a trained dermatopathologist.
विकिपिडिया:विकिपिडियाका भातृ योजनाहरू Sometimes an entry is more appropriate on Wiktionary than Wikipedia and can never be expanded beyond simple dictionary definition. Normally, such articles are copied to Wiktionary using process, and deleted from Wikipedia afterwards.
एनेस्थेसियाको इतिहास Another dentist, William E. Clarke, performed an extraction in January 1842 using a different chemical, diethyl ether (discovered in 1540). In March १८४२ in Danielsville, Georgia, Dr. Crawford Williamson Long was the first to use anaesthesia during an operation, giving it to a boy before excising a cyst from उनका neck; however, he did not publicize this information until later.
बी हमिङ्ग बर्ड Using bits of cobwebs, bark, and lichen, the female bee hummingbird builds a cup-shaped nest that is only about १ inch (२.५ cm) in diameter. Nests have been built on single clothespins. She lines the nest with soft plant fibers. In this nest she lays her eggs, which are no bigger than peas. She alone incubates the eggs and raises the young.