Top 10 similar words or synonyms for more

disorders    0.997221

these    0.996399

include    0.995462

many    0.995372

than    0.995004

has    0.994890

also    0.994842

less    0.994797

disease    0.994770

if    0.994571

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for more

Article Example
साधारण शल्यक्रिया In the last few years minimally invasive surgery has become moremore important. Considerable enthusiasm has built around robotic surgery (or, more accurately, robotic-assisted surgery), despite the scant data currently available failing to show real benefit.
सिस्नेरी Please visit our site for more information :
पौभा Thankas are further divided into these more specific categories:
गणित "See [[list of theorems]], [[list of conjectures]] for more"
मुख तथा अनुहार शल्यचिकित्सा By comparison, US-trained surgeons generally spend more time as undergraduate "Pre-med" students र less time in residency training. One might therefore regard US doctors as having a more well-rounded education, but shorter clinical training.