Top 10 similar words or synonyms for hepatitis

pediatric    0.996788

hazards    0.996700

illnesses    0.996315

hospitals    0.996173

examination    0.995578

deformities    0.995186

cleft    0.995053

therapy    0.994898

knee    0.994835

conventional    0.994796

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for hepatitis

Article Example
मृगौलाशास्त्र More specialized tests can be ordered to discover or link certain systemic diseases to kidney failure such as hepatitis b or hepatitis c, lupus serologies, paraproteinemias such as amyloidosis or multiple myeloma or various other systemic diseases that lead to kidney failure. Collection of a २४-hour sample of urine can give valuable information on the filtering capacity of the kidney र the amount of protein loss in some forms of kidney disease. However, २४-hour urine samples have recently, in the setting of chronic renal disease, been replaced by spot urine ratio of protein र creatinine.
खाद्य जनित रोग Even in industrialized countries, up to ३०% of the population of people have been reported to suffer from foodborne diseases every year. In the U.S, around ७६ million cases of foodborne diseases, which resulted in ३२५,००० hospitalizations and ५,००० deaths, are estimated to occur each year. Developing countries in particular, are worst affected by foodborne illnesses due to the presence of a wide range of diseases, including those caused by parasites. Foodborne illnesses can and did inflict serious and extensive harm on society. In १९९४, an outbreak of salmonellosis due to contaminated ice cream occurred in the USA, affecting an estimated २२४,००० persons. In १९८८, an outbreak of hepatitis A, resulting from the consumption of contaminated clams, affected some ३००,००० individuals in China.