Top 10 similar words or synonyms for museum

gallery    0.973328

august    0.968584

aug    0.968104

philippines    0.964683

photo    0.964541

april    0.964042

london    0.963633

mexico    0.963583

dem    0.962730

inner    0.960565

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for museum

Article Example
Индонез File:Museum Nasional Indonesia.jpg|National Museum of Indonesia in Central Jakarta
Филип Котлер Museum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and Resources
Жибли студи These Western animated films (plus one Japanese film) have been distributed by Studio Ghibli, and now through their label, Ghibli Museum Library.
Жибли студи In October 2001, the Ghibli Museum opened in Tokyo. It contains exhibits based on Studio Ghibli films and shows animations, including a number of short Studio Ghibli films not available elsewhere.
Жибли студи Two Studio Ghibli short films created for the Ghibli Museum were shown at the Carnegie Hall Citywise Japan NYC Festival: "House Hunting" and "Mon Mon the Water Spider" were screened on March 26, 2011.