Top 10 similar words or synonyms for enhance

exact    0.973518

solve    0.972541

appear    0.970364

genotype    0.967903

discipline    0.967765

midpoint    0.967618

ceva    0.967130

become    0.966519

transfusion    0.965433

recommended    0.965415

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for enhance

Article Example
User threat New student-focused pedagogy and a new two-color design to enhance the learning process.
Олон хуулбар процессын загвар New student-focused pedagogy and a new two-color design to enhance the learning process.
Хязгаартай- завсарын хадгалагчийн(буфер) асуудал New student-focused pedagogy and a new two-color design to enhance the learning process.
Дижитал урлаг Digital installation art constitutes a broad field of activity and incorporates many forms. Some resemble video installations, particularly large scale works involving projections and live video capture. By using projection techniques that enhance an audiences impression of sensory envelopment, many digital installations attempt to create immersive environments. Others go even further and attempt to facilitate a complete immersion in virtual realms. This type of installation is generally site-specific, scalable, and without fixed dimensionality, meaning it can be reconfigured to accommodate different presentation spaces.