Top 10 similar words or synonyms for guyana

detailed    0.988304

photosynthesis    0.987158

material    0.985278

rural    0.984514

soviet    0.983942

tombaugh    0.983388

configurations    0.982607

mohamed    0.982184

discovered    0.981878

hazards    0.981835

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for guyana

Article Example
ಫ್ರೆಂಚ್ ಗಯಾನ soil acidity is also behind the poor soils of Guyana. It requires farmers to lime fields, and led to the traditional mode of agriculture of slash and burn. The ashes are involved in the elevation of Potential Hydrogen (pH) in them, besides the contribution of minerals.
ಫ್ರೆಂಚ್ ಗಯಾನ Following the Grenelle Environment Round Table of 2007 the proposed Grenelle Law II (in Article 49) has proposed (in 2009, and subject to change) the creation of a single entity responsible for Guyana to contribute to the implementation of political knowledge and conservation of natural Amazonian heritage (with expertise in the fields of wildlife, flora, natural habitats and semi-natural land, coastal and river, and on the functioning of ecosystems). It will help to implement environmental policies conducted by the State, along with local authorities and their groupings. Article 64 of the bill also provides a "departmental plan of mining orientation" for Guiana, promoting mining compatible with the requirements of environmental protection.