Top 10 similar words or synonyms for scriptures

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Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for scriptures

Article Example
អានន្ទ The initial scriptures such as the four Agamas and the Dhammapada, etc were recited by Ananda in the First Council.
មហាយាន Ven. Dr. W. Rahula contends that upon extensive study of both Mahayana and Theravada scriptures, there is hardly any difference between the two traditions with regard to the most fundamental teachings of Buddhism and that the seeds of many of the Mahayana teachings can be found in the earliest Theravada scriptures.
អឝ្វតថាមន It is said in ancient scriptures that "If God is angry at you, Guru can save you. But if Guru is angry at you, even God cannot save you". Alternate theories suggest that as per the words in scriptures Aswatthama sought the help of his gurus and escaped the wrath of God. Maharashi Ashwathama lives along with his mother Kripi and his maternal uncle sage Kripa, both being great yogis somewhere in the Himalayas.
ហិណ្ឌូសាសនា Hinduism is based on "the accumulated treasury of spiritual laws discovered by different persons in different times". The scriptures were transmitted orally in verse form to aid memorisation, for many centuries before they were written down. Over many centuries, sages refined the teachings and expanded the canon. In post-Vedic and current Hindu belief, most Hindu scriptures are not typically interpreted literally. More importance is attached to the ethics and metaphorical meanings derived from them. Most sacred texts are in Sanskrit. The texts are classified into two classes: "Shruti" and "Smriti".
ហិណ្ឌូសាសនា The Hindu scriptures refer to celestial entities called "Devas" (or "" in feminine form; ' used synonymously for Deva in Hindi), "the shining ones", which may be translated into English as "gods" or "heavenly beings". The "devas" are an integral part of Hindu culture and are depicted in art, architecture and through icons, and mythological stories about them are related in the scriptures, particularly in Indian epic poetry and the Puranas. They are, however, often distinguished from Ishvara, a supreme personal god, with many Hindus worshiping Ishvara in one of its particular manifestations (ostensibly separate deities) as their ', or chosen ideal. The choice is a matter of individual preference, and of regional and family traditions.