Top 10 similar words or synonyms for gulf

exiles    0.968010

peninsula    0.967170

occupation    0.961289

beginning    0.959557

invasion    0.958582

decade    0.958467

embassy    0.957675

coast    0.956694

iraq    0.954774

expansion    0.954654

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for gulf

Article Example
ដូហា Doha (, ' or ', literally: "the big tree") is the capital city of the state of Qatar. Located on the coast of the Persian Gulf,
ក្រុងកែប The commune has a population of 35,990. In Krong Kep many villagers are in the fishery business, as with other towns and villages in the Gulf of Thailand.
បារ៉ែន បារ៉ែន (; ; '), ឈ្មោះផ្លូវការ ព្រះរាជាណាចក្របារ៉ែន ( ') គឺជាប្រទេសកោះដ៏តូចមួយដែលមានទីតាំងនៅជិតឆ្នេរខាងលិចនៃឈូងសមុទ្រពែរ្ស។ វាគឺជាប្រជុំកោះ ដែលរួមផ្សំគ្នានៃកោះចំនួន៣៣ ក្នុងនោះកោះបារ៉ែន គឺជាកោះធំជាងគេ ដែលមានប្រៈវែងជាង បណ្ដោយ គុណនឹង ទទឹង។ ប្រទេសអារ៉ាប៊ីសាអូឌីត Saudi Arabia ស្ថិតនៅភាគខាងលិច ហើយត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់ទៅនឹងប្រទេសបារ៉ែនដោយ King Fahd Causeway ។ ប្រទេសអ៊ីរ៉ង់ស្ថិតនៅចំងាយ ភាគខាងជើងនៃប្រទេសបារ៉ែន ដោយត្រូវឆ្លងកាត់ឈូងសមុទ្រ។ ឧបទ្វីបនៃ Qatar គឺនៅភាគអាគ្នេយ៍ រំលងឈូងសមុទ្របារ៉ែន Gulf of Bahrain. The planned Qatar Bahrain Causeway ដែលគ្រោងនឹងសាងសង់ នឹងក្លាយជាមធ្យោបាយតភ្ជាប់ប្រទេសបារ៉ែននិង Qatar ហើយក៏នឹងក្លាយទៅជាផ្លូវឆ្លងបាតសមុទ្រដ៏វែងជាងគេបំផុតនៅក្នុងពិភពលោក។ The population in 2010 stood at 1,234,571, including 666,172 non-nationals នៅឆ្នាំ 2010 ចំនួនប្រជាជនក្នុងឆ្នាំ២០១០ មានចំនួនប្រមាណ 1.234.571 នាក់ ដែលក្នុងនោះមានប្រជាជនមិនមែនសញ្ជាតិបារ៉ែនប្រមាណ 666,172 នាក់។.
ប្រទេសអារ៉ាប៊ីសាអូឌីត Saudi Arabian cuisine is similar to that of the surrounding Arab countries in the Persian Gulf, and has been heavily influenced by Turkish, Persian, and African food. Islamic dietary laws are enforced: pork is not consumed and other animals are slaughtered in accordance with halal. A dish consisting of a stuffed lamb, known as "khūzī", is the traditional national dish. Kebabs are popular, as is "shāwarmā" (shawarma), a marinated grilled meat dish of lamb, mutton, or chicken. As in other Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, "machbūs" (kabsa), a rice dish with fish or shrimp, is popular. Flat, unleavened bread is a staple of virtually every meal, as are dates and fresh fruit. Coffee, served in the Turkish style, is the traditional beverage.
ជួរភ្នំក្រវាញ The mountain range extends along a southeast-northwest axis from Koh Kong Province on the Gulf of Thailand to the Veal Veang District in Pursat Province, and is extended to the southeast by the Dâmrei (Elephant) Mountains). The highest elevation of the Cardamom Mountains is Phnom Aural at high. This is also Cambodia's highest peak. The northwestern end in Chanthaburi Province, Thailand, appears also as the 'Soi Dao Mountains' ("Khao Soi Dao") and as 'Chanthaburi Range' in some maps.