Top 10 similar words or synonyms for created

asynchrony    0.948322

reducing    0.945790

stomach    0.940222

sections    0.937218

involving    0.935875

removal    0.934917

observed    0.933700

rates    0.933586

loading    0.932877

adaptations    0.931104

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for created

Article Example
Historio de Albanio After the formation of the Slav principality of Dioclia (modern Montenegro), the metropolitan see of Bar was created in 1089, and dioceses in northern Albania (Shkodër, Ulcinj) became its suffragans. Starting in 1019, Albanian dioceses of the Byzantine rite were suffragans of the independent Archdiocese of Ohrid until Dyrrachion and Nicopolis, were re-established as metropolitan sees. Thereafter, only the dioceses in inner Albania (Elbasan, Krujë) remained attached to Ohrid. In the 13th century during the Venetian occupation, the Latin Archdiocese of Durrës was founded.