Top 10 similar words or synonyms for zapotecs

mixtecs    0.891200

nahuas    0.884367

chichimecas    0.846265

otomis    0.842059

totonacs    0.841984

chichimeca    0.820289

nahua    0.817841

mexicas    0.802266

tairona    0.801363

amuzgos    0.798954

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for zapotecs

Article Example
Indigenous people of Oaxaca There are four basic groups of Zapotecs: the ', who live in the southern Isthmus of Tehuantepec the ', who live in the northern mountains of the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, the southern Zapotecs, who live in the southern mountains of the Sierra Sur and the Central Valley Zapotecs, who live in and around the Valley of Oaxaca.
Zapotec peoples There are four basic groups of Zapotecs: the ', who live in the southern Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the ', who live in the northern mountains of the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, the southern Zapotecs, who live in the southern mountains of the Sierra Sur, and the Central Valley Zapotecs, who live in and around the Valley of Oaxaca.
Ejutla de Crespo The settlement was founded in 524 by the Zapotecs under Meneyadia.
Sierra Norte de Oaxaca Various peoples of the region include the Zapotecs, Mixes, Chinantecs, Tlaxcaltecs and the Nahuas.
LGBT rights in Mexico Tolerance of sexual diversity in certain indigenous cultures is widespread, especially among Isthmus Zapotecs and Yucatán Mayas.