Top 10 similar words or synonyms for vodun

vodou    0.782746

vodoun    0.780746

santeria    0.740732

obatala    0.740332

nkisi    0.736009

orisha    0.728474

umbanda    0.726559

shamanistic    0.725731

orunmila    0.707633

animism    0.707492

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for vodun

Article Example
Vodun art "Vodun" is also used in a loose sense for religions of various societies from Dahomey, western Nigeria and southwestern Zaire.
Vodun art "Bocio" are activated or empowered by assemblage, speech, saliva, heat in the form of pepper and alcohol, knotting and offering to the higher power or deity.
Vodun art Ahiator often visits India in his dreams, or on the beach, and Indian images are clearly recognizable in his temple murals.
Vodun art Each cult has specific rites, sacred objects, esoteric "deep knowledge", priestly hierarchies and initiation processes.
Vodun art In the precolonial period in Dahomey the system of cults was closely related to the ruling structure.