Top 10 similar words or synonyms for tendinosis

tendinopathy    0.894193

tendinitis    0.838151

tendonosis    0.816350

tenosynovitis    0.806170

tendonitis    0.798343

retrocalcaneal    0.794004

chondromalacia    0.792925

arthrosis    0.788425

peritendinitis    0.779153

contractures    0.758098

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for tendinosis

Article Example
Tendinosis Tendinosis, sometimes called chronic tendinitis, chronic tendinopathy, or chronic tendon injury, is damage to a tendon at a cellular level (the suffix "osis" implies a pathology of chronic degeneration without inflammation). It is thought to be caused by microtears in the connective tissue in and around the tendon, leading to an increase in tendon repair cells. This may lead to reduced tensile strength, thus increasing the chance of tendon rupture. Tendinosis is often misdiagnosed as tendinitis because of the limited understanding of tendinopathies by the medical community. Classic characteristics of "tendinosis" include degenerative changes in the collagenous matrix, hypercellularity, hypervascularity, and a lack of inflammatory cells which has challenged the original misnomer "tendinitis".
Tendinosis Tendinosis of the common extensor tendon of the elbow (“tennis elbow”) is a common cause of elbow pain for adults.
Tendinosis Ultrasound-based techniques are becoming more popular because of its affordability, safety, and speed. Ultrasound can be used for imaging tissues, and the sound waves can also provide information about the mechanical state of the tissue.
Tendinosis An injured tendon is very slow to heal. Partial tears heal by the rapid production of disorganized type-III collagen which is weaker than normal tendon. Recurrence of injury in the damaged region of the tendon is common.
Tendinosis Studies with a rat model of fatigue-damaged tendons suggested that delaying exercise until after the initial inflammatory stage of repair could promote remodelling more rapidly.