Top 10 similar words or synonyms for rudra

chandika    0.853844

karna    0.833245

prajapati    0.832911

purva    0.828754

rishi    0.827051

gauri    0.823157

lakshmana    0.822403

durga    0.819963

narsimha    0.819418

jamadagni    0.817818

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for rudra

Article Example
Rudra The adjective "shivam" in the sense of "propitious" or "kind" is applied to the name Rudra in RV 10.92.9. According to Gavin Flood, "Shiva" used as a name or title (Sanskrit "", "the kindly/auspicious one") occurs only in the late Vedic "Katha Aranyaka", whereas Axel Michaels asserts that "Rudra" was called "Shiva" for the first time in the "Śvetāśvatara Upanishad".
Rudra The earliest mentions of Rudra occur in the Rigveda, where three entire hymns are devoted to him. There are about seventy-five references to Rudra in the Rigveda overall.
Rudra The Rudras are sometimes referred to as "the sons of Rudra", whereas Rudra is referred to as "Father of the Maruts" (RV 2.33.1).
Rudra In the various recensions of the Yajurveda is included a litany of stanzas praising Rudra: ("Maitrāyaṇī-Saṃhitā" 2.9.2, "Kāṭhaka-Saṃhitā" 17.11, "Taittirīya-Saṃhitā" 4.5.1, and "Vājasaneyi-Saṃhitā" 16.1–14). This litany is subsequently referred to variously as the "Śatarudriyam", the "Namakam" (because many of the verses commence with the word "namaḥ" [`homage`]), or simply the "Rudram". This litany was recited during the "Agnicayana" ritual ("the piling of Agni"), and it later became a standard element in Rudra liturgy.
Rudra A selection of these stanzas, augmented with others, is included in the "Paippalāda-Saṃhitā" of the Atharvaveda (PS 14.3—4). This selection, with further PS additions at the end, circulated more widely as the "Nīlarudram" (or "Nīlarudra Upaniṣad").