Top 10 similar words or synonyms for riculf

frotarius    0.776070

forfry    0.769775

bertreville    0.767110

gaucherius    0.763865

aquilee    0.762640

montfiquet    0.762280

avolus    0.758503

valmestroff    0.755619

bernoin    0.755026

theudalis    0.749930

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for riculf

Article Example
Bernard of Gothia Towards 869, Solomon, Count of Urgell, Cerdanya, and Conflent, died and within the year so had Otger, Count of Girona and Besalú. In 870, the King assigned Otger's counties to the County of Barcelona (and hence to Bernard of Gothia). Solomon's titles in Urgell and Cerdanya were given to Wilfred the Hairy, eldest son of Sunifred I. The County of Conflent was given to the second son of Sunifred, Miró the Old. The other three sons of Sunifred - Radulf, Sunifred, and Riculf - were not given any titles.
Wilfred the Hairy At the Council of Troyes in August 878, presided over by Pope John VIII and King Louis II the Stammerer, Wilfred was formally invested as Count of Urgell and Cerdanya, Miró as Count of Conflent, Sunyer as Count of Empúries, and Oliba II as Count of Carcassonne. On 11 September 878, Bernard was dispossessed of all his titles. Bernard's former possessions were given to Wilfred (Barcelona with Ausona, Girona, and Besalú) and Miró (Roussillon). The counties of Narbonne, Béziers, and Agde were separated from that of Barcelona. Sunifred was made Abbot of Arles, Riculf Bishop of Elna, and the Bishops of Urgell, Girona, and Barcelona were confirmed in their sees. Wilfred immediately ceded Besalú to his brother Radulph (878-920).
King Lot Geoffrey's Lot is one of three brothers, each of whom rules a part of northern Britain: Lot rules "Lodonesia" or Lothian, while his brothers Urien (the father of Owain, both generally reckoned historical kings of Rheged) and Angusel rule over "Mureif" (Moray) and "Scotland", respectively. Lot is first mentioned as a loyal vassal to Uther Pendragon, King of Britain, in the king's wars against Octa, the Saxon King of Kent. When Uther falls ill, he marries his daughter Anna to Lot and entrusts them with the oversight of the kingdom. Lot and Anna have sons Gawain and Mordred. When Uther's son Arthur takes up the kingship, he helps Lot and his brothers regain their territories, which have fallen to the Saxons. Lot is also the heir to the kingdom of Norway, as nephew to the previous king Sichelm. With Arthur's aid, he takes the kingdom from the usurper Riculf. Lot later leads one of Arthur's armies in his war against Emperor Lucius of Rome.