Top 10 similar words or synonyms for rheinisches

landesmuseum    0.862477

historisches    0.855636

staatliches    0.855555

stadtmuseum    0.833434

kulturbesitz    0.819943

preussischer    0.814722

museen    0.811757

germanisches    0.810196

graphische    0.799608

historische    0.797327

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for rheinisches

Article Example
Rheinisches Malermuseum The Rheinisches Malermuseum is an art museum in Bonn, Germany. The museum is owned by a private association and has exhibits on forgotten artistic techniques and tools of the painter. It was established in 1985.
Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn An early forerunner, the "Museum of Antiquities" ("Museum Rheinisch-Westfälischer Alterthümer"), was founded in 1820 by decree of the Prussian state chancellor Karl August von Hardenberg. A more direct ancestor, the "Provincial Museum", was founded in 1874, though it did not get its own building until 1893. This was enlarged in 1907, but the older section was destroyed during World War II and replaced by a new building.
Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn The archaeological exhibits are divided into historical themes, e.g. "From the Gods to God", "The Rhineland and the World", or "From Primeval Landscapes to Cities". Works of art are also displayed (non-chronologically) throughout the exhibition, with masterpieces next to simple tools and religious works beside everyday objects. The museum also owns a collection of prints and photographs, and one of coins and medallions. The "Stone Age Area" features the original skeleton of a neanderthal, and displays the evolution of humanity from the development of upright posture to the early Celtic cultures of Europe.
Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn The museum was extensively renovated from 1998 to 2003, allowing a new presentation of the exhibits. The "Stone Age Area" was redesigned in 2010.
Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn The Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, or LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, is a museum in Bonn, Germany, run by the Rhineland Landscape Association. It is one of the oldest museums in the country. In 2003 it completed an extensive renovation. The museum has a number of notable ancient busts and figures dating back to Roman times.