Top 10 similar words or synonyms for reddel

welstead    0.856274

ahfeldt    0.854723

skowronski    0.854060

lengner    0.850648

storb    0.849178

aldape    0.849135

fassler    0.849088

kyba    0.847904

vincan    0.847415

seftor    0.845855

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for reddel

Article Example
Telomere Rarely, cells emerge from crisis immortalized through telomere lengthening by either activated telomerase or ALT (Colgina and Reddel, 1999; Reddel and Bryan, 2003). The first description of an ALT cell line demonstrated that their telomeres are highly heterogeneous in length and predicted a mechanism involving recombination (Murnane et al., 1994). Subsequent studies have confirmed a role for recombination in telomere maintenance by ALT (Dunham et al., 2000), however the exact mechanism of this pathway is yet to be determined. ALT cells produce abundant T-circles, possible products of intratelomeric recombination and T-loop resolution (Tomaska "et al.", 2000; 2009; Cesare and Griffith, 2004; Wang "et al.", 2004).
Children's Medical Research Institute In 1995 researcher and current director of CMRI, Roger Reddel and his team discovered ALT (Alternative lengthening of telomeres), a method by which approximately 15% of human cancer cells achieve ‘immortality’ and keep dividing. This work is being pursued with a focus on understanding ALT and developing potential anti-cancer treatments and diagnostic tools.
Chapel of the Resurrection (Valparaiso, Indiana) The Reddel Organ in the Chapel was built by organ builder Herman Schlicker of Buffalo, New York. A contract for the organ was signed on September 27, 1957 at a cost of $68,000. These funds paid for about three-quarters of the entire specification, the price of which would have been $98,000. Paul Bunjes of Concordia College, River Forest, Illinois, was retained as consultant. The instrument was dedicated at the morning Eucharist on September 27, 1959, and was featured that evening in a recital by E. Power Biggs to a record audience of over 2,000 people. It was rebuilt and enlarged in 1995-1996 by Dobson Pipe Organ Builders of Lake City, Iowa.