Top 10 similar words or synonyms for raffeld

misek    0.870551

vessella    0.867542

untch    0.861612

raulet    0.859918

fehrenbacher    0.857244

saffrich    0.854704

trepel    0.851179

ittmann    0.850143

aldape    0.849903

kuick    0.848646

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for raffeld

Article Example
Terry McDonell McDonell attended the University of California, Berkeley and graduated from the University of California, Irvine in 1968. He lives in Manhattan with his wife. With his first wife, Joan Raffeld, he is the father of novelist Nick McDonell and actor Thomas McDonell.
Munich-Riem Airport In World War II it was home to Adolf Galland's legendary Jagdverband 44. It was almost completely destroyed by bombings on 9 April 1945. Until that day, civilian air traffic had also been handled in Riem. George Raffeld of the United States Rainbow Division was the first of the allied forces to arrive at the airport. He reported to his superior officers that the airport had been abandoned by the Germans.