Top 10 similar words or synonyms for pyraloides

concana    0.899569

obrima    0.898477

psaironeura    0.895503

rhynchaglaea    0.894198

cruria    0.886443

caularis    0.884822

pterocypha    0.882366

kimminsi    0.880587

chrysoecia    0.879291

albivertex    0.878078

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for pyraloides

Article Example
Pyraloides Pyraloides is a genus of moths of the Noctuidae family.
Erbessa pyraloides Erbessa pyraloides is a moth of the family Notodontidae. It is found in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.
Erbessa pyraloides The length of the forewings is 17–19 mm for males.
Erbessa pyraloides The larvae have been recorded feeding on "Eucalyptus cloeziana", which is an introduced species.