Top 10 similar words or synonyms for prehispanic

tiwanaku    0.799946

precolumbian    0.798324

mesoamerican    0.790955

moche    0.785320

prehistorical    0.784754

cupisnique    0.773148

postclassic    0.771882

nahua    0.769325

toltec    0.767083

incan    0.757752

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for prehispanic

Article Example
Prehispanic history of Chile The Chinchorro type site is located in Arica, Chile; it was discovered by Max Uhle in the early 20th century.
Prehispanic history of Chile The prehispanic history of Chile refers to the period from the first human populations in the territory of Chile until the first European exploration of the region, by Spaniard Diego de Almagro in 1535-36.
Prehispanic history of Chile Various research taken on the first populations to have arrived in the country arrived around years BC, during the Pleistocene period for the prehistoric site at "Monte Verde I" and around years BC for the site at "Monte Verde II" (the end of the Pleistocene and start of the Holocene (close to the end of the Upper Paleolithic). Prehispanic Chile was peopled by diverse Amerindian people who were located around the Andes and the coast. In the area to the north of the country, the Aymara and the Atacama began to cultivate land from the 11th century in the style of the Incas (growing plants on terraces on the sides of mountains with canal systems). By the 15th century, the Incas had taken possession of the territory of modern-day Chile up to the Maule River. At the south of the Aconcagua, the semi-nomadic communities such as the Mapuche were set up. In the austral zone of the country, various Amerindian people such as the Chomos, Tamanas, Alacalufes and Onas were living. In the Easter Islands a Polynesian culture developed, which continues today.
Prehispanic history of Chile The Chinchorro culture of South America goes back to 9,000 years ago. These were sedentary fishing people of the northern Chile and southern Peru. They inhabited the arid coastal regions of the Atacama Desert from Ilo, southern Peru, to Antofagasta in northern Chile. Outcrops of fresh water on the coast facilitated human settlement in this region. The Chinchorro are famous for their detailed mummification practice (Chinchorro mummies). The culture lasted for several thousand years, evolving and adapting over the period.
Prehispanic history of Chile There are numerous theories on the settlement of the Americas; the most accepted currently, that of Paul Rivet, states that there were numerous arrivals for different reasons: those leaving Asia via the Bering Straits, but also those traveling from island to island in Polynesia and Melanesia, via Central America. The first people to arrive in the territory of Chile would have been in one of these population movements.