Top 10 similar words or synonyms for politycznej

polityczne    0.937217

wobec    0.932062

wschodniej    0.920199

okresie    0.918101

szkice    0.910432

polsce    0.908311

naukowej    0.907308

jego    0.905994

latach    0.905777

polskim    0.905688

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for politycznej

Article Example
Stanisław Albinowski In 1960 he graduated in economics from the Political Economics Division of Warsaw University (Wydzial Ekonomii Politycznej Uniwersystetu Warszawskiego).
Center for European Renewal To date, the CER has published one collection of essays, "Plato on Wall Street", in collaboration with the Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej (Centre for Political Thought). It also publishes a bi-annual magazine, "The European Conservative".
Krzysztof Kawalec He received his doctoral degree in September 1996 and a professor degree in 2001. His book "Spadkobiercy niepokornych: Dzieje polskiej myśli politycznej 1918-1939" (Heirs of Unyielding: History of Polish Political Thought 1918-1939), published in 2000, won the KLIO Prize (Nagroda KLIO) in 2000 for the best scientific monography.
Józef Feldman Józef Feldman researched the scholarly production of Michał Bobrzyński, Szymon Askenazy and Wacław Tokarz. He was an editor of the "Cambridge History of Poland" (1941) and prepared a new revised edition of his father's, Wilhelm Feldman, classical monograph "Dzieje polskiej myśli politycznej 1864-1914" ["History of the Polish Political Thought 1864-1914"] (1933, reprinted in 1992).
Jerzy Ryszard "Jurry" Zieliński His artistic style was inspired by pop art and Art Nouveau, and his work in turn inspired many young artists, such as the art groups Gruppa and Twożywo. In 1965, he and founded the art group Neo Neo Neo. His artworks have been described as ""znaki drogowe politycznej egzystencji w PRL"" ("road signs of the political existence in the PRL [People's Republic of Poland]"). In 2010, on the 30th anniversary of Zieliński's death, a two-piece bumper gallery exhibition was held at the National Museum in Kraków, celebrating his life and work. The exhibition was accompanied by the publication of a 300-page monograph, which analyses the historical significance and contemporary relevance of Zieliński's work.