Top 10 similar words or synonyms for pingzhai

zhangji    0.895893

shuikou    0.887717

changtan    0.886723

gaocun    0.880716

xinzhai    0.880241

shatian    0.877507

longtian    0.876446

sanjia    0.871931

jiangkou    0.870464

gangkou    0.870240

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for pingzhai

Article Example
Dahuashui Dam The Dahuashui Dam is an arch dam on the Qingshuihe River near Pingzhai in Kaiyang County of Guizhou Province, China. The purpose of the dam is hydroelectric power production and flood control. The dam creates a reservoir of which supplies water to a power station containing two 200 MW generators. Construction on the dam began in December 2003 and was expected to be complete in May 2007 but a lack of funding delayed project completion until initial operation on January 20, 2008. The dam was constructed with roller-compacted concrete.
Luobohe Miao Xijia 西家, a variety of Luobohe Miao, had 1,300 speakers as of 2000 in 21 villages surrounding Kaili City, Guizhou, and in Pingzhai Village 平寨村 of Longchang Township 龙厂乡, and Xiangma 响马村, Loumiao 娄苗菜, and Fuzhuang Villages of Lushan Township 卢山乡. It is also spoken in Majiatun Township 马家屯乡 and Dabaomu Township 大保姆乡 of Kaili City. The Xijia of Shiban Village 石板寨村, Dafengdong Township 大风洞乡, Kaili cannot communicate with the neighboring Ge (Gejia) people.