Top 10 similar words or synonyms for perimenopause

postmenopause    0.842551

perimenopausal    0.831622

menarche    0.803994

andropause    0.790788

oligomenorrhea    0.785810

menopause    0.763428

climacteric    0.756702

hypoestrogenism    0.756285

metrorrhagia    0.737635

menopausal    0.736519

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for perimenopause

Article Example
Menopause Perimenopause is a natural stage of life. It is not a disease or a disorder. Therefore, it does not automatically require any kind of medical treatment. However, in those cases where the physical, mental, and emotional effects of perimenopause are strong enough that they significantly disrupt the life of the woman experiencing them, palliative medical therapy may sometimes be appropriate.
Menopause The menopause transition typically begins between 40 and 50 years of age (average 47.5). The duration of perimenopause may be for up to eight years. Women will often, but not always, start these transitions (perimenopause and menopause) about the same time as their mother did.
Oligomenorrhea Oligomenorrhea can be a result of prolactinomas (adenomas of the anterior pituitary). It may be caused by thyrotoxicosis, hormonal changes in perimenopause, Prader–Willi syndrome, and Graves disease.
Migraine During perimenopause symptoms often get worse before decreasing in severity. While symptoms resolve in about two thirds of the elderly, in between 3 and 10% they persist.
Jerilynn Prior Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior is an American-born, Canadian endocrinologist and medical doctor specializing in menstrual cycles and the effects of hormones on women's health. She has been called a leader in understanding and treating perimenopause and menopause.