Top 10 similar words or synonyms for percutaneious

radiocath    0.538944

angiocatheter    0.525094

stetak    0.522850

tissuetsubject    0.519921

subselective    0.516752

duodenscope    0.513449

flexitip    0.510241

transuterine    0.507449

needlehoffman    0.507072

mediastinan    0.506180

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for percutaneious

Article Example
Christoph Huber Huber developed the transapical (TA) TAVI in 2004 which introduced a less invasive antegrade, versus transfemoral/TF retrograde, approach to the heart, and his later research, into a percutaneious transapical TAVI platform, led to his invention of the first successful experimental closure device (TA Plug). Huber also opened a startup company and assisted in the development of the Acurate TA (Symetis) device which received CE approval in 2011.