Top 10 similar words or synonyms for pataphysics

semiology    0.718167

orphism    0.700621

psychogeography    0.688956

irrealism    0.680272

oulipo    0.671604

sociologique    0.671033

montaigne    0.665861

palingenesis    0.664337

pataphysical    0.660711

teilhard    0.658718

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for pataphysics

Article Example
'Pataphysics Pataphysics or pataphysics () is an absurdist, pseudo-scientific literary trope invented by French writer Alfred Jarry (1873–1907), that enigmatically resists being pinned down by a simple definition. One attempt at a definition might be to say that 'pataphysics is a branch of philosophy or science that examines imaginary phenomena that exist in a world beyond metaphysics; it is the science of imaginary solutions.
'Pataphysics Publications of the college, generally called ("green candle"), include the "Cahiers", "Dossiers" and the "Subsidia Pataphysica".
'Pataphysics The week starts on a Sunday. Every 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd is a Sunday and every 13th day of a month falls on a Friday (see Friday the 13th). Each day is assigned a specific name or saint. For example, the 27 Haha (1 November vulg.) is called or the 14 Sable (14 December vulg.) is the day of .
'Pataphysics The table below shows the names and order of months in a pataphysical year with their corresponding Gregorian dates and approximate translations or meanings by Hugill.
'Pataphysics It is worth noting that a pataphor is not the traditional metaphorical conceit but rather a set of metaphors built upon an initial metaphor, obscuring its own origin rather than reiterating the same analogy in myriad ways.