Top 10 similar words or synonyms for pale_brownish_cream

ferruginous_brownish    0.774311

unicolourous_grey    0.767023

strigulation_fine_streaks    0.761692

fuscous_irregularly    0.753667

whitish_irregularly    0.753652

fuscous_sprinkled    0.752282

whitish_basally    0.751681

irregularly_suffused    0.745844

shining_ochreous    0.745754

cream_tinged    0.745588

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for pale_brownish_cream

Article Example
Saphenista rosariana The wingspan is about 7.5 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is cream with pale brownish-cream suffusions and browner dots. The markings are pale brownish cream with a slight olive hue. The hindwings are pale brownish cream.
Cartagogena ferruminata The wingspan is 23–25 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is pale brownish cream, suffused and strigulated (finely streaked) with dark rust-brown. The hindwings are pale brownish cream suffused with brown on the periphery.
Doloploca supina The wingspan is about 22 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is pale brownish cream, mixed slightly with ochreous beyond the disk, suffused and sprinkled with brownish grey. The hindwings are pale brownish cream, darkening on the peripheries.
Brusqeulia atrocentra The wingspan is about 13 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is olive cream sprinkled with brownish cream. The hindwings are pale brownish cream, but paler basally.
Gravitcornutia bertioga The wingspan is 9 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is yellowish cream. The markings are yellow brown with browner edges. The hindwings are pale brownish cream.