Top 10 similar words or synonyms for oldbury

willenhall    0.849220

coleshill    0.838205

halesowen    0.834766

parkgate    0.833802

belper    0.832415

smethwick    0.832076

merstham    0.831174

bilston    0.829858

wellingborough    0.828417

wisbech    0.826652

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for oldbury

Article Example
Oldbury Academy In June 2013, it was also alleged by Mr. Christopher Hill, Birmingham University lecturer and son of Mr.Robert Hill former Deputy Headteacher at Oldbury Academy, that the school offered £200 'incentives' for pupils to gain a C grade in English and Maths.
Oldbury, Shropshire Oldbury also contains an old church, dedicated to Saint Nicholas, which features beautiful stained-glass windows depicting Biblical scenes, with a west window, dedicated in 1919 as a parish First World War memorial depicting St Alban and St Martin of Tours and accompanied by a wooden board listing 13 men who died serving in that war. From the church there is an old raised pathway across fields towards Bridgnorth, now rarely walked upon though still visible, known traditionally as the "Coffin Way". Coffins were brought from Bridgnorth by mourners, as at one time they could be buried at St Nicholas's for free whereas there was a fee in Bridgnorth churchyards.
Oldbury hillfort Oldbury hillfort is a large Iron Age hill fort near the village of Ightham, Kent, England.
Oldbury hillfort It covers the top of a hill that would have provided commanding views over one of the main routes in and out of the Weald and covers an area of 50 ha. A natural spring within the fort would have provided water to the occupants making it a very attractive spot. The eastern side of the hill is very steep and so earthwork defences were constructed only on the other sides.
Oldbury hillfort The site is owned by the National Trust and open to the public. The Middle Palaeolithic Oldbury rock shelters are located on the eastern slopes of the hill.