Top 10 similar words or synonyms for nusach

sefard    0.919840

ashkenazic    0.864191

minhag    0.836220

ashkenaz    0.835850

yemenite    0.812693

rishonim    0.780706

karaite    0.779545

siddur    0.779520

sefardic    0.771109

sefardi    0.767049

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for nusach

Article Example
Nusach There is not one generally recognized uniform nusach for Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews. Instead, Sephardim and Mizrahim follow several slightly different but closely related nuschaot.
Nusach The nearest approach to a standard text is found in the siddurim printed in Livorno from the 1840s until the early 20th century. These (and later versions printed in Vienna) were widely used throughout the Sephardic and Mizrahi world. Another popular variant was the text known as "Nusach ha-Hida", named after Chaim Yosef David Azulai. Both these versions were particularly influential in Greece, Iran, Turkey and North Africa. However, most communities also had unwritten customs which they would observe, rather than following the printed siddurim exactly: it is easy, from the printed materials, to get the impression that usage in the Ottoman Empire around 1900 was more uniform than it really was.
Nusach It is said among some mystics that an as-yet undisclosed nusach will be revealed after the coming of the Mashiach, the Jewish Messiah. Others say that the differences in nusach are derived from differences between the twelve tribes of Israel, and that in Messianic times each tribe will have its proper nusach.
Nusach Nusach ( "nusaħ", modern pronunciation "nusakh" or "núsakh"), plural nuschaot or nusachim, is a concept in Judaism that has two distinct meanings. One is the style of a prayer service (Nosach Teiman, Nusach Ashkenaz, Nusach Sefard or Nusach Ari); another is the melody of the service depending on when the service is being conducted.
Nusach "Nusach" primarily means "text" or "version", the correct wording of a religious text or liturgy. Thus, the "nusach tefillah" is the text of the prayers, either generally or in a particular community.