Top 10 similar words or synonyms for mollify

placate    0.833477

assuage    0.804950

conciliate    0.797097

appease    0.747407

ingratiate    0.693836

exculpate    0.688982

acquiesce    0.688427

defame    0.688263

humiliate    0.682583

embarrass    0.681682

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for mollify

Article Example
Charter of Liberties Henry needed to mollify the nobles and secure his throne.
Gordon's Gin Gordon's was Ernest Hemingway's favourite gin, which he claimed could "fortify, mollify and cauterize practically all internal and external injuries".
Homicide Act 1957 In order to mollify the abolitionists, the government then announced it would bring in a reform to the law to curtail the use of capital punishment.
Baby Ruth In the film "Hellboy", a Baby Ruth bar is used to lure and mollify the infant Hellboy when he is discovered after the destruction of the Nazi portal.
Knights of Labor In 1882, the Knights ended their membership rituals and removed the words "Noble Order" from their name. This was to mollify the concerns of Catholic members and the bishops who wanted to avoid any resemblance to freemasonry.