Top 10 similar words or synonyms for materialien

mittels    0.881013

insbesondere    0.878476

optischen    0.878397

arbeiten    0.875910

sowie    0.870932

prinzipien    0.870096

verschiedenen    0.864458

klinischen    0.863190

selbstverlag    0.861140

zweiten    0.860873

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for materialien

Article Example
Tell Johfiyeh Materialien fuer eine Regionalstudie, Alter Orient und Altes Testament
Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar series Schriftenreihe und Materialien der Phantastischen Bibliothek Wetzlar which publishes monographs and collections of essays.
Andreas Andersen Feldborg Øst, Materialier t. et dansk biogr.-lit. East, Materialien t. Nr. 5 og 50. (A Danish biogr.-lit. Lex. No. 5 and 50)
Ivan Minayev Minayev's magnum opus, "Buddhism: Untersuchungen und Materialien", was printed in 1887. "Minaev was almost the first European orientalist... to feel that the study of Buddhism and Pali was a must for the proper understanding of ancient Indian history and society".
Federal Institute for Population Research The "Materials on Population Studies" (Materialien zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft) were suspended after publishing Volume 129 and replaced by the series "BiB Working Paper" which include research-related papers and "BiB Data and Technical Reports" (Daten- und Methodenberichte) which publish descriptions of data sets and methods.