Top 10 similar words or synonyms for lidocain

xylocalne    0.862051

xylocaine    0.859539

mepivicaine    0.845796

marcaine    0.841281

novocain    0.832793

tetracain    0.832762

lidocane    0.830210

prilocaln    0.826188

prilocalne    0.820132

amethocaine    0.817596

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for lidocain

Article Example
Endometrial biopsy Endometrial biopsy pain is quite common. The reason that doctors spray the lidocain is to help to deal with some of the pain from the procedure. The lidocain spray can burn when it is sprayed into the area. The clamp that is put onto the cervix may be another cause of pain and the procedure itself, where the doctor has to procure a piece of the lining with the tube can be painful. Most of the time, this will only be required once, but sometimes the procedure can entail two or three instances of procuring a piece of the endometrium.